Friday, August 29, 2014


      There are rumours of a shady organization that exists in the world, The SCP Foundation has some games and other stories about them. One question that continually comes up is, could they be real? Most people would reply that of course they're fake, of course the monsters aren't real. But can they be sure, can any of us truly be sure of what is real? The Foundation works with numerous governments around the world and their mission is to protect people from paranormal creatures and also do scientific tests on those creatures for the betterment of humanity. However one of their goals is to remain in the shadows.

       If they are real, they don't want people to know about them. If they're a well known organization people will expect them to act ethically which may be impossible with the kinds of creatures they encounter, everything from a figure made of smoke to a horrifically disfigured mannequin that breaks the necks of victims when they look away from it. There is supposedly a website attributed to the organization. certainly seems real enough. Although if you click any of the links a new page appears that simply states SERVER ERROR 404: FILE NOT FOUND. This is of course suspicious because if it were really that secretive then why have the website in the first place. They also could have attached a simple file in the coding of the site that would ask the bots sent from search engines to not include the site on it's roster. Had that been done and it wasn't logged then the only people who could find it were the ones who knew the IP for the site. To that point, if I were running an incredibly secret organization and had this information then I would make a simple website with the organization's name and brief, vague description so any one who found out about the organization and told others as is the case in the internet stories, the story wouldn't seem real because of the bare-bones website.

      So is the SCP Foundation or a similar organization real? If they are real, would we even want to know about what really goes bump in the night? Let me know what you think in the comments or on twitter.

      This post is made entirely for entertainment purposes. The SCP Foundation, is to my knowledge entirely fictitious. However should I stop posting assume I've been taken into custody and spread the word. Also the distress phrase is "unicorn farting a majestic rainbow" ex. Slenderman certainly is a creepy unicorn farting a majestic rainbow. Use only in case of emergencies, I'm super cereal.

Thanks for reading,
            Aehd Krahe    

Friday, August 22, 2014


      This is a game that I would actually try myself if I get the chance. The Elevator Game is a very specific ritualistic kind of game. The game is rumoured to open a portal to another dimension. This dimension is said to be an ethereal black and white hallway with no people, except yourself, and a green cross suspended in midair at the far end of the hall. No matter how far or fast you walk, you never seem to get any closer to the cross. The cross is thought to be nothing more than the carrot attached to a stick. Luring players further from their starting point making it harder to return to the human world resulting in the player getting stuck. There is a limited amount of time a player can stay in the ethereal realm. If you stay too long the gateway back will close and you'll be trapped forever. There are said to be voices the player can hear in the realm, they seem to get louder and closer the longer you stay in the realm. There is a story that can be found that states the LAPD may have had an encounter with The Elevator Game. There is a video of a woman who can be seen acting strangely in an elevator, going to multiple floors. She acts increasingly more paranoid and erratic until she disappears. The woman was apparently declared missing and found some time later in a water reservoir on the roof of the hotel. If this is true then it is worth of note that it is very difficult to get onto the roof of a hotel and pretty much impossible to get into the water reservoirs unless you cut the metal with some sort of welding torch. The reservoir the woman was allegedly in was perfectly intact. The only reason she was found is because her decomposing body got into the water supply and guests began complaining the water in the rooms appeared to be black or another very dark colour. Of course the media doesn't always get things correct.

      Get into an elevator, you must be alone. Then go to the floors in the following order (don't hit all the buttons at once, instead hit one then upon arriving at that floor hit the next. It may be helpful to write the numbers on your hand) 4th floor- 2nd floor- 6th floor- 2nd floor- 10th floor. If anyone else gets in with you it won't work so you'll have to wait for them to get off and start over.
Then when you arrive at the 10th floor press the button for the 5th floor
When you arrive at the 5th floor a woman will get in the elevator. You mustn't speak to her.
After she gets in press the 1st floor button
After pressing the button the elevator will move up instead of down. It'll begin taking you to the 10th floor. Pressing any other buttons will cause the ritual to fail so this is the last chance to opt out before seeing if it actually works.
If you pass the 9th floor you can assume the ritual has been completed correctly and will work
The only way to know for sure if the ritual has worked is when you get to the 10th floor and exit the elevator. You should be completely alone.

      If anybody has any experience with this or any other ritual I would like to know. That person's experience will get a post all of their own if they want.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Monday, August 18, 2014

      What's up everyone. Today I'm going to be answering a few questions that I've gotten lately. Hopefully it'll clear things up with the stories and guides I post on Fridays.

  • "Have you ever summoned a ghost, spirit, entity, etc.?"                                                            No I have not personally summoned anything. If I lived alone I would consider it just to test out some of the stories personally.
  • "What is magick?"                                                                                                                Magick in very simple terms is just the manipulation of your will to change the world around you.
  • "How do you know about magick?"                                                                                       I know about magick because I'm Pagan. More specifically I practice Norse Wicca.
  • "So you're a witch?"                                                                                                             Yes, I am a witch. I practice witchcraft but I follow a specific pantheon of Gods. I'm a Norse Witch if you're looking for a specific title.
  • "Aren't witches women?"                                                                                                        The term witch is unisex, it can be used for males or females. It depends on what the person wants to be called.
  • "Since you're a witch, you worship Satan right?"                                                                      Nope, I don't worship Satan. I don't believe anything in common with the                judeo-christian faith.
      That clears up most of the questions that I tend to get. If you have any more questions you can send them to me on twitter @aehdtheartist or you can leave them in the comments.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Friday, August 15, 2014


      This is another summoning ritual for an entity. I urge extra caution with this particular ritual because you will be using blood magick, which is one of the most powerful forms of magick and thus can be dangerous to people without experience. I Aehd Krahe take no responsibility for any negative effects of the ritual I am about to describe. Conducting this ritual can be dangerous and may cause lasting damages to any participant or family member of a participant. As with all summoning rituals I urge you to be polite to the entity you summon. Those who disrespect The Raven Man are said to be cursed to live a horrible existence. You've been warned.

      The Raven Man is said to appear as a man with the head of a raven and large wings instead of arms. He is all black and has white eyes. Upon summoning The Raven Man it is possible that you might see him but it is more likely that you'll only feel his presence. You'll be able to make a request which he will grant. The Raven Man is not a patient entity so you should be prepared to ask him the question or favor as soon as he appears. He also doesn't like greedy people, asking for a large amount of money or fame will most likely be granted but there will be a terrible side effect. Do not ask The Raven Man for the meaning of life. You don't want to know that answer.


  • 5 candles (again, you won't want candles that go out quickly)
  • salt
  • a sharp knife or needle
  • a lighter or matches
  • a flashlight or cellphone (unless you see well in the dark)
      If you have a protective talisman or religious symbol it is advised that you keep it with you during the whole ritual and through the next night.

      It is best if you are home alone during the ritual. At night, go into a room that will be completely dark when the lights are out. Create a ring of salt large enough for you in a seated position. Make sure that none of your body crosses the salt lines while sitting still. Line the five candles in front of the salt ring. The candles should create a half circle and should be evenly spaced. Turn out the light and return to the salt ring. Sit inside the salt ring and check it to make sure that it hasn't been broken anywhere. Next you will say the ritual words and light one candle after each line leaving the fifth unlit for now. Light the candles going from left to right. The spell goes like this.

On this dark night (light candle)
I call on The Raven Man (light candle)
Appear before me here and now (light candle)
And do my will (light candle)

      Now you take your needle or knife and prick one of your fingers. Let a drop of your blood fall onto the wick of the fifth candle. Depending on how steady your aim is, you might need more than one drop.

The flame is my beacon
The blood is my sacrifice (light final candle)

      The Raven Man will now be with you. Make your request then thank him. Now you must extinguish the candles. You cannot blow them out, instead you have to snuff them out with your fingers or with a candle snuffer. Extinguish them from right to left (opposite of how you lit them). Before extinguishing each candle you must say I release you Raven Man. You should say this phrase 5 times, if you don't he won't leave and he'll probably kill you or at least curse you and your family. Once the ritual is over and all candles are out then sweep up the salt ring and scatter that salt at any entrance to your house. Keep your talisman or religious symbol with you always until the second morning after your ritual. If everything was done correctly you will be safe and your request will soon be granted.

      Once again I urge caution with this ritual, especially if the participant has little or no experience with witchcraft or magick practices in general.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

      What's up everyone. Today I'm going to do a bit of shameless self promotion. If you want custom art at a low price then come see my fiverr profile at You'll be able to order custom hand drawn pieces from me for as low as $5. If you'd need the piece in a hurry then I offer next day completion for only a slight markup in price but it is still cheap considering my pieces are custom digital art. Also since all my art is done digitally there's no need for physical shipping so there's no fee for that.

      Check in on Friday when a new horror story will be uploaded. Add me on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to see samples of my works.

       Thanks for reading,
                   Aehd Krahe

Friday, August 8, 2014


      There are two theories about how this particular game works. Both games require the same things and both are played more easily if there are multiple participants in the game. It is important that all players stay as calm as possible until the game is over


  • 100 long lasting candles (Birthday candles won't last for as long as you'll need them, I recommend tea candles. They're inexpensive and they generally burn for around five hours each.)
  • 100 different paranormal stories
  • A lighter or box of matches
  • A dark secluded room (It's very important that the room is as dark as possible and that nobody interrupts the game.)
  • At least one player (I recommend 1-5 players, more people means it's easier to come up with 100 stories without having too many people in the room. It may also help players from becoming to afraid to continue.)
  • Incense or a bundle of dried sage (For after the game.)

      Ensure that the room is as dark as possible, then light all 100 candles. Begin telling your stories. After each story the player who told it must extinguish a candle. In this theory of the game each story lends energy to a spirit then putting the candle out brings them into the room with you. After all 100 candles are extinguished, assuming the players were brave enough to finish, there will be 100 spirits in the room. Each player can ask the spirits a question and the spirits will answer. The players should be warned that spirits are capable of lying and causing harm to the players. Players should always be polite to the spirits. Once all the players have asked their question the player who is least scared must thank the spirits and ask them to leave. The speaker must be firm but polite and should show as little fear as possible. If the speaker appears weak the spirits can attach themselves to the house and even the players themselves.


      As in theory one the room must be dark and all 100 candles lit before the game is started. Players tell stories and extinguish candles. The only difference is that each story and candle gives energy to one, very powerful spirit. When all the candles are out only one spirit will manifest instead of 100. However, this spirit is much more powerful than the others so courtesy is key or you may end up with a poltergeist attached to the house or even worse, to you. Each player asks a question and the spirit answers. The single spirit is more likely to tell the truth or be more helpful in general than if 100 were manifested. Once all questions are answered a speaker thanks the spirit and firmly but politely asks it to leave.


      After the game is over and the spirits have left, light the incense or sage and walk around the room with it. Each corner and every part of the wall must be touched by smoke. Then the players must help each other also be coated with the smoke. This is a cleansing, some of the spirits may not have wanted to leave so they might have left behind small attachments. The cleansing purifies these and breaks the attachment. If the spirits became angry or felt disrespected during the game, then you must do a full house cleansing. If you have a Wiccan friend, they should be able to help.

      So does the simple act of telling a story and extinguishing a candle really give power and energy to spirits. As you sit with your friends telling stories are there shadowy spirits dancing just at the edge of your vision, or is it simply the flames playing a trick on your eyes? You'll just have to play and find out for yourself.

      If you play this game, tell me your experiences. If you've played this game before reading this post share your experiences as well.

     Thanks for reading everyone,
      Aehd Krahe

Thursday, August 7, 2014

      What's up everyone, a short announcement is all for today. For now I'll be uploading horror stories every Friday evening. As with all my schedules this one is subject to change but I'll only change it if it's absolutely necessary. For more updates, news, and other things follow me on twitter @AehdTheArtist.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Sunday, August 3, 2014

      What's up everyone, recently while reading a book that is a compilation of horror stories I found one that is an experiment according to the author of that story. I am considering posting the story here but I would like to get in contact with the original author first. If I get permission then the story will be posted here shortly and if the experiment itself is still active then the author's contact information will also be posted so anyone who chooses to take part in the experiment can report their experience to him/her. Experiences and testimonials for the experiment may be published. Updates will be posted if there are any.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Thursday, July 31, 2014

      What's up everyone, I have finally returned from my hiatus from blogging. It's been a little while and some stuff will definitely change. New schedules, new content, same insane Irishman. Schedules will be at the bottoms of posts and I'll also post news, schedules, and updates on my twitter @AehdTheArtist. I accept submissions for stories and any story that is posted on this page that is not created by me will be credited to the author. Let's make good stories and memories to be shared with friends. Prepare yourself to be entertained, thrilled, and perhaps terrified by the creations of the mind. I'm looking forward to my return and to all the glory of my reader's imaginations.

      Aehd Krahe

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

      What's up guys, I know I haven't been on in a while and I missed the Tuesday upload of a ghost story. Right now I'm just taking an extended hiatus from blogging but don't worry, I'll be back sometime in early to mid July. I've just got some personal stuff going on as well as working on several projects simultaneously. I'll try to stay on my social networking sites at least once a week and once I'm back, I'll be bringing one of the best ghost stories I can find. When I return I'll make sure that I send links out to all my sites and do a text post on Tumblr. Anyone can feel free to send me a friend request or follow me on any of those. I do that whole follow back thing. Also anyone can make suggestions or ask questions for the posts after my glorious return to the world. So I will definitely see you guys another time.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                   Aehd Krahe

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Slit Mouth Woman

      In Japan, there once was a woman who was married but who was growing tired of her marriage to her impotent husband. One night she has an affair with another man and when she returns home her husband asks her where she's been. She told him all about the affair in vivid detail, taunting him with her adultery. Her husband gets very angry, he grabs a pair of scissors and mutilates his wife. He stands over her, looking at his once so beautiful wife. She was bleeding out, her mouth cut from ear to ear. She was taking her lasts breaths and just before she passed on her husband said "Who will find you beautiful now?"

      Now she roams Japan as a vengeful spirit. Dressed in a trench coat and surgical mask she hunts children. If she sees a child standing or walking home alone, she will approach them and ask "Am I beautiful?". If the child responds "no" she produces scissors from the trench coat and cuts the child's throat. The children, not wanting to offend their elder, will reply "Yes.". When she receives the answer "yes" she removes the surgical mask, revealing her mutilated face. She asks "Am I still beautiful?". If the child responds "no" she kills them. If the child answers "yes" then she draws the scissors and mutilates their face in the same manner as her husband did her's. The only way to escape is to say "You are so-so." this confuses the spirit and gives you the chance to run away while she's deep in thought. Another way is that when she initially asks if she's beautiful and you respond saying you're in a relationship. She will excuse her manners and leave. 

      Some of you may think this is just a story and maybe it is, but here's a few fun facts. Alleged sighting of the woman in 1979 caused so much panic that children weren't allowed to walk home alone, they'd be escorted by teachers or parents. In 2004 there were sightings of a woman in a red mask chasing children and most shockingly of all. In 2007 old records were found that dated back to the late 1970's. They gave the details of a woman who was struck by a car and killed. She was chasing young children just before the accident and upon examination it was discovered that the woman's mouth was cut ear to ear. 

      So is it just a story, or is there some truth to it. Tell me what you think. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Send me your suggestions on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr and you might see your story here next week.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                Aehd Krahe

Thursday, June 12, 2014

     What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today is just a short update on what will be going on tomorrow. As you all know Friday is one of my scary story days. Unfortunately tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me so I'm going to have to post the story earlier which I don't like to do. I think reading the stories in the dark makes it better. To make up for the fact that I have to post earlier I will be posting two stories in two different posts.

      They'll be two Japanese urban legends. Anyone who has read Japanese ghost stories or seen Japanese horror movies can tell you that the Japanese make up some pretty damn scary stories. The stories will be uploaded between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. EST. I hope you guys enjoy them because that's what this blog is for, entertaining people.

      Thanks for everyone who gives suggestions through Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Anyone who follows me on Tumblr, I'm sorry that all the stuff is so random plus Supernatural and Arrow fandom but the randomness is what makes it fun right?

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                          Aehd Krahe

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Playing Hide and Seek Alone

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today, as the title suggests, I'll be teaching you how to play hide and seek but it's not really alone. You'll be playing with a ghost that you summon.

      Here's what you'll need: A stuffed doll that has limbs (a humanoid dolls is recommended), rice (enough to fill the doll), one needle, red thread, a sharp object (pencils are recommended but if you're hardcore try a knife), a glass of saltwater, a bathroom with a bathtub or large wash basin, a hiding place, and a TV. 

      To prepare you have to remove the stuffing from the doll and replace it with rice. This is because spirits will feed on the rice and gain power. Prick your finger and bleed into the doll so the doll knows who to target. Note that you could also use fingernails or hair as long as it's from your body but blood magick is one of the strongest forms of magick thus yielding better results. Sew the doll back together with the red thread, also wrap the thread around the doll several times pinning one of its arms to its torso. (you must bind the doll with the thread so the spirit can't escape once inside. The spirit will be attached to the doll after the ritual so when you're game is over you have to burn the doll). Give your doll a name (anything but your own), tell the doll it's name, place the glass of saltwater in your hiding place, turn the TV onto static. I highly recommend that you are the only person in your house while you're playing this. If anyone else is in the house, the MUST sit within a ring of salt and not in your hiding place. Whenever you speak to the doll you must speak in an authoritative tone

      At 3:00 a.m. say "(your name) is it." three times. Take the doll into the bathroom and place it in the bathtub or basin. Turn off all the lights and make sure the TV is turned to static. After counting to 10 with your eyes closed return to the bathroom with your sharp object. Say "I've found you (doll's name)" 3 times and then stab it with the object. Take the doll out of the bathtub or basin, place the object at it's feet, and say "now you're it (doll's name)". Hurry and return to your hiding spot, close the door to you're spot, hold half the glass of saltwater (or as much as will fit) in your mouth. You can't swallow it or spit it out. The saltwater will protect you from attachment or possession depending on the type of entity you've summoned (it's entirely random, good luck). You must sit in complete silence. If there are observers, their salt ring should be out of the way of you're hiding spot but they should still be able to see it. The observers must be completely silent regardless of what they see. 

      I recommend that you end the game before 4:00 a.m. this is because over time the entity will grow strength and after being in the doll for an hour it will be able to cause you extreme harm if it finds you. Also it may become powerful enough to escape the bonds of the doll and then become attached to your house. To end the game you have to leave your hiding spot, find the doll (it may not be in the bathroom), spit the saltwater in your mouth on it, dump the rest of the saltwater onto the doll, and yell "I win" 3 times.

      The game will not end unless you end it or the entity kills you. After the game is over dry and burn the doll to banish the spirit then cleanse your house by burning incense or sage just to be safe. 

      Warning: I Aehd Krahe take no responsibility for anything you do with the knowledge I've given you. DO NOT place blood, hair, fingernails, etc. from anyone else in the doll. DO NOT leave you're house while the game is still going on, the spirit will follow. People who have played this game have experience a feeling of terror and dread. If the doll finds you, you will be hurt in some way. Remember it's not the doll searching for you but the entity attached to it. Spirits aren't anything to mess with unless you know what you're doing. There is no guarantee that a ghost will attach to the doll. It could be a ghost, spirit, specter, or daemon (demon to Christians). You've been warned, have fun.

      I hope you enjoyed this, share with your friends, subscribe for more, and comment or do social network things to suggest what you'd like to do next.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                      Aehd Krahe 

Monday, June 9, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I'm going to mention the sort of a schedule thing that'll I'll be doing from now on and then some really brief life advice.

      As for the schedule, from now until I have to change up the schedule for work or something Tuesdays and Fridays will be days that I do the scary or suspenseful stories. So ghost stories, urban legends, creepypastas, and some of my own creations will be on those days. All the other days of the week I currently have nothing special scheduled for so those will be the days of random thoughts and subjects that could cover really anything. I may have to change things up at some point in the future and if I do then I'll make sure that I post the change. If you want to suggest a day event type of thing, you can do so on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. I'll give you credit for the suggested event or story. I check all the of my social networking sites daily but I don't post as much on Twitter mostly because I have no idea what to put on there, also because my only follower seems like a stoner (no offense to stoners) and he just retweets things that I don't understand.

      On to the next subject of business for today, a little piece of life advise. I can honestly say that if everyone followed this life would be infinitely better for everyone, and it's incredibly simple. So much so that I'm going to bold and italicize it so nobody misses it. Don't be a fucking cunt. It's literally that simple. If someone does something you don't like, don't talk to them or just ignore it. If someone believes something that you don't agree with, this one happens a lot with religion and politics, then instead of telling them that they're wrong how about you just respect that they can have an opinion that has nothing to do with you.

      I'm tired of reading articles or seeing something on the news about how some kid, or teenager, and even sometimes college students are committing suicide because they're being bullied. Every time this happens we as a society have failed. Whatever your thought on bullying are, whether there should be laws against it or not, you can't deny that it's causing deaths. Personally I think bullying could be beaten by punching that little shit in the face but I'm different than most people. At what point do we as people realize that it's not okay to criticize someone for being different. I have tremendous amounts of respect for teens in high school that are openly LGBT. The shit they must go through on a daily basis from people who are insecure about some aspect of themselves. How does someone's sexual orientation somehow change who they are as a person and people using a religion as a shield for why they get to cut someone else down are the worst kinds of people. That's all I'll say for now so nobody gets alienated.

      Remember to do all the social media things, comment, subscribe, share to Facebook and Twitter. Whatever you want.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                   Aehd Krahe

Sunday, June 8, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I want to talk about you guys, my fans. A lot of people try to do blogging and it's definitely more difficult than it seems to get a fan base going. Some people give up because they've been blogging for a few weeks and they only get a few views on their page, nobody subscribes, and they get no comments. They feel that it's not worth their time and they probably heard that blogging is an easy way to make money. I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is to get money because I haven't signed up for the whole ad thing google does with this site. I'd be willing to wager that they won't be paying out to someone who only gets a few page views a day, it just wouldn't be worth it from a business stand point.

      I personally don't give any amount of a shit about money. I recognize that it's necessary for the world we live in but I still hate it. I'm unsure if I would ever sign up for the whole ad thing just because I didn't create this blog for money. This blog exist for the sole purpose of interacting with my fans. I don't care how many page views I get a day. If there's just one guy or girl reading my posts everyday and they want to know my opinion on homemade dessert sushi then I'd write a three paragraph essay on how fucking amazing it is to make sushi with rice crispy treats, fruit rollups/fruit by the foot whatever you're into, and swedish fish. Then I'll tell you how to make dessert chopsticks to eat it with. Why? Partially because I'm a little insane but also because it's what my fans want and when it comes to this blog I will talk about anything my fans want me to.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                         Aehd Krahe

Friday, June 6, 2014

Holder of the Warden

      I stood staring at the sign that read St. Peter's Mental Heath Hospital. I took a cigarette out of the pack and put the pack back into my pocket, then with the same hand withdrew my lucky green zippo lighter with a gold four leaf clover etched in the bottom right corner. I flicked it open and lit the cigarette. I took a long drag and tried to steel myself. This was the second time in only a few months that I stood in front of some random loony hospital. I'll probably end up in one of these soon enough. I thought to myself. I think that if I knew what I know now when that entitled rich asshole made me his deal I'd have told him to fuck off. At the time three hundred thousand dollars for each "artifact" I recovered seemed like a great deal. I thought it'd be easy, he obviously came to a man like me because he needed a thief. Someone creative who craves a challenge and doesn't fear getting caught. I was wrong however, what he needed was a Seeker. If I knew the horrors that I would face I'd have declined, or at least asked for more money. I don't know what drives me now. I could easily back out of the deal but I'll find as many as I can, provided I stay sane. Simple curiosity must be what it is, I want to know what happens if this man is able to unite all of these relics.

      I dropped the butt of the cigarette and extinguished it under my boot. I instinctively touched the pentacle pendant around my neck and made my way inside. I approached the receptionist's desk and waited for the young woman behind it to notice me. She looked up from he computer monitor.

      "Can I help you?" She asked kindly, smiling as she waited for my answer.

      "Yes, I'm here to see someone who calls themselves The Holder of the Warden." The smile faded from her face. It was replaced with an expression that you only see on battle hardened warriors. She stood and motioned for me to follow her. I complied but had to almost run to catch up to the woman. She walked with a brisk pace as if she was late for a meeting but didn't want to run through the halls. She lead me down a long corridor and to an old wooden door. She opened it and motioned for me to enter. She still has that intense expression on her face and it was a little unsettling. I entered the room that was pitch black inside. The light from the hallway was absorbed by the inky blackness of the room so only a foot or so was visible. The woman slammed the door behind me and the dark of the room engulfed me. I pulled my lighter from my pocket and lit it. I could see a torch sconce just on the edge of that inky dark. I lit the torch and pulled it from the sconce, returning the lighter to my pocket I could now see a cobblestone path on the floor. I began following it, some time passed and I'm not even sure how much. I couldn't see anything that was any farther than the torch illuminated and the flickering flames cast strange shadows on the path and played tricks with my eyes. 

      That's when I heard them, disembodied voices whispering in the dark. I knew this to be a trial of some sort and so I pushed on. The voices got louder and I could almost make out what they were saying but I still continued. I saw something scurry on the edge of the torch light and I stopped. The voices again grew louder, they were repeating the same two phrases like a mantra.

      "You will falter, you will fail." again and again "you will falter, you will fail." The voices continued. I began walking again but the voices never stopped. The light from my torch began to fade and the things in the dark were getting closer. I started walking faster but the dark was eating away at the light. I could feel the shadows caress me and the light was so dim it was about to be extinguished. 
      They're feeding on my fear, if this torch goes out I will almost certainly face a horrible death. I thought to myself. 
      "Enough!" I shouted "I'm not afraid of you!" I yelled into the darkness. The voices stopped their assault and braziers on either side of the path came to life. Igniting as if by the will of the Gods. The room was permeated with the scent of burning wood. The braziers cut through the darkness revealing a church off in the distance and small open tower near to it. 

      I jogged the last thirty feet or so, not wanting to give the creatures in the dark another chance to strike fear in me. A gut feeling told me to take the path off to the left that lead to the small tower. I did and reached the tower with ease. It was lit only by a few strategically placed candles. Each wooden stair creaked and groaned as I made my way up the four levels of the tower. I have to admit that it added an extra creepy vibe to the who ambiance of this darkened world. I reached the open top and first noticed the roofing held up by a few well placed supports as if to protect the tower from the weather. Then I noticed the man, wearing a hooded cloak. He was sitting on a lone wooden chair and the only other furniture was a small table where a single candle and book were resting. The man was watching the church, slowly smoking from a long pipe. I stood in silence, observing the man. After some time he set the pipe down on the table and stood. I couldn't see any of his features until he turned. He looked withered and tired. Wisps of silver hair fell from the hood but his beard was mostly brown. It was as if his job was extremely stressful and had prematurely aged him.

      "You will falter in your convictions, and you will fail the people you wish to protect." He stated, sounding just as tired as he looked

       A young girl appeared between us. She smiled at me and I thought it couldn't possibly be who I thought it was but she was so familiar, there's no way it wasn't her. My little sister, she couldn't be here. She had died years ago from her leukemia. 

      "You failed to save your sister before, you will fail again." He drew the sword from his belt and made his way toward her.

      "No!" I cried out and stepped in front of her, taking the blow of the sword on my collar bone. Pain shot through my body, I collapsed and my vision began to fade. So this is what dying is like. It's not so bad. I thought. The man knelt and touched my forehead. My vision was restored and the throbbing pain ceased. He took my arm and helped me stand. He walked over to the edge of the tower.

      "It's yours now." He indicated to the pipe sitting on the table. "Don't allow them to be united." He winked at me before continuing. "I am free." He spread his arms wide and leaned back falling from the tower. 

      I turned to the apparition of my little sister. "I'm so sorry Kat. I couldn't save you." She reached up and took my hand. 

      "It's alright, you did your best. I'm waiting for you but don't come to soon, okay?" She said cheerfully. I nodded and she disappeared. I wiped the tears from my eyes and approached the table. When I picked up the pipe I could hear the air whistling around me. I blinked and I was back at the receptionist's desk.

       I walked out of the hospital and to my car. Grabbing a backpack off the back seat I hastily unzipped it and shoved the pipe in. My hands were shaking and I was about to get in my car but I stopped. I returned to the steps of the hospital. The wind blew, stirring the fallen leaves on the ground.

      "Bring me the Bride of the Seeker." I announced to the wind. Turning I could see that familiar home. With the woman in white waiting at the window. She wiped her eyes and smiled. She will share my sorrow with me until I am lost to documentation. For now she is my bride. I am Azrael, and I am the Seeker of Holders.


      I hope you guys enjoyed this story. If you did share with your friends and if you want me to do more just comment or send me a message on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr with the suggestion of which Holder I should do next.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                               Aehd Krahe

Thursday, June 5, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I just have a bit of news about the story I'll be uploading tomorrow. It'll be a personal take on The Holders. Fans of creepypastas have most likely heard of The Holders already. For everyone else The Holders are these mystical objects that generally grant the Seeker that found them some sort of awesome ability but the Seeker must go through a trial that is usually quite horrific and almost guarantees a terrible death for anyone who fails. Some of the Seekers wish to unite all 538 of the objects while some wish to possess them for personal gain or to keep them divided but all agree that the Seekers are forever changed by their quest. Nobody truly knows what happens if they're all united but most of the Seekers that gather The Holders to keep them divided believe that it will bring about the end of the world or some other horrible fate.

      If you want to read all the existing stories so far in the original series then you can go to this website

      The stories are really interesting and creative so I recommend checking them out. There are 252 stories total on the site, I assume there will eventually be 538. They're short stories for the most part, they take maybe five minutes to read, maybe a little longer depending on you're reading speed.
      The story that I'll be uploading tomorrow isn't the same as this set. It's going to be a more personal story with a protagonist rather than an instructional which is what most of those in The Holders series annotated above are. It'll be entirely a creation of my own that isn't necessarily cannon to the rest of the series. If there is one single person or a group who are creating all of The Holders series I don't mean to intrude onto their thing and if they want to make it cannon, that's certainly their right as long as they give me recognition for the creation of it, they can have it as far as I'm concerned. My story will be about The Holder of the Warden. If you look on that site above you'll notice that's not one that's on there, because I created it hence, not cannon.

      So come back tomorrow for a story, do all the social network things you want to do. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. If you can't find me on there just comment or personal message me on any of the others and you can just add me on google plus with the tool off to the right there.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                    Aehd Krahe

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I'm here to announce that since Fridays are special days considering that the weekend is starting for most people, they'll be special days here too. Each Friday there will be something different done based on suggestions. For this Friday I'll be creating a genuine Aehd Krahe original short horror story.

      The story will be uploaded Friday at 9:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time since most of my audience is American. I can't wait and I'll see all you guys there for a truly terrifying good time. Share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter so all horror junkies can enjoy. While you're there you can go ahead and send me a friend request on Facebook or follow me on Twitter for some really just horribly bad jokes that'll make you think why did I just laugh at that? I'm also on Tumblr now for anyone who does that. Check it out it's Aehd's Awesome Arsenal.

      As always stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                    Aehd Krahe 

Monday, June 2, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. I'm sure you guys have noticed by now that this blog doesn't really have any set topic. I really just pick random topics based on how I feel at the moment. That being said, I'd like to get some feedback from you guys, the readers. I'm sure there are topics you guys are wondering about, or things you'd just like to see someone address. I'm able to be quite objective so if you ask for my opinion on something, you'll get my opinion but also a counter to my opinion and the opinions of other artist, writers, etc. that I know. So get you're idea talked about. Tweet me @aehdtheartist with the #blogtopic, send me a message on Facebook, or even comment on this post. Any topic regardless of how trivial will be covered. As with everything else if you wish to remain anonymous just say so. You can direct message me on twitter to remain anonymous as well.

      Now on to the real topic as suggested by one of my friends just to show you how trivial the topics can be. They asked for me to explain my thoughts on Mountain Dew. Nope I'm not kidding, and no Mountain Dew or Pepsi Co. aren't paying me to blog about Mountain Dew, that'd just be silly.

      First, I just want to say that I like the abbreviation to Mtn Dew. It looks badass in my opinion. I think my favourite of Mtn Dew that's come out so far is probably the game fuel. It first got introduced with Halo 3 and then they brought it back with other Triple A title releases with some other variants. Other than that I don't particularly favour one over another. A lot of people were psyched that the baja blast was finally coming to cans and bottles. I'm fairly indifferent to that one, I don't like it that much. The only reason I drink it is to try to win points to get a long board from some app. Also the changed the bottle with the release of baja blast and I think it looks dumb as well as lessening the amount of actual soda in the bottle. One of my new favourites is what seems to be another Taco Bell exclusive. It's called sangrita blast or something like that. It's either fruit punch or black cherry so I love it because I love almost anything that tastes like fruit punch. Except the fruit punch oreos. That seems like a dumb idea too but I'll get into that at a different time.

      For now, that's all I have to say about Mtn Dew. I wasn't paid by any company to put any of this stuff up here, they're my personal opinions. Tell me what you guys think about Mtn Dew.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                  Aehd Krahe

Sunday, June 1, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I'd like to talk about what inspired me to make art and comics in particular. At around age 13 I moved to the United States. I didn't really fit in with the other kids at the schools I attended. One day I met someone at a local skate park and we started talking about the things that we liked. I mentioned that one of my favourite films was Star Wars and that my dad and I used to watch the original trilogy on VHS and that those were some of my fondest memories. He asked who my favourite superhero was. I wasn't really sure, I had heard of some of the major ones but never read any comics. I had always preferred books like Lord of the Rings and even Harry Potter. This dude that I had met only about an hour earlier gave me my first comic. One from a series of The Amazing Spiderman.

      That started a whole new part of my life. From there I got into Batman and then further into the incredible universe that these writers and artist had created. I started taking art classes in school because it was required but I discovered that not only was I good at it but also that I really enjoyed drawing and doing things to entertain people the way that I was by the comics. A few years had gone by and at 17 I enlisted in the Air Force here in the US. I waited for a little over a year and less than a month after my 18th birthday I was down in San Antonio, Texas at basic training. I loved the military, for the longest time all I wanted to do was to serve and fight like the heroes I had idolized in my youth. I ended up getting injured, my knee was permanently damaged and I was sent to a different base to help the transition back to the civilian world. This place was so depressing for some that you could almost feel it in the air. All the regret, sadness, and hurt made the air heavy. So many people felt betrayed by the Air Force and the atmosphere got to everyone. After a month of so living in this place I met a man who although I've only known him for a short while, he's one of my best friends. He's a brother. One day he invited me to watch an anime series with him and another. That was the start of it all. That series changed my life, anime made life seem worth living again.

      One day one of my friends made a comment on how awesome it would be for us to make our own anime series. We laughed at the prospect of it but it got me thinking. What if we did? So I checked on how anime are made and discovered that most come from manga, comics. Not American this time but Japanese. I studied endlessly, developed my own style. It became my mission to create a great work, and to help others do it too. I wanted to inspire people the same way I had been inspired and I refuse to stop until that mission has been completed. I will do it, and I will help others.

      So that's what inspired me to take up the pen and create manga. If any of you are artist or craftsmen then what inspired you?

      If you liked this than you can subscribe for more, share and friend/follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more.

      As always stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                               Aehd Krahe

Saturday, May 31, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I have a little something special. This is a game that has been labeled as a creepy pasta but is actually something that may be real and for the brave who seek a good challenge it could be a once in a lifetime story for your friends. So it is clear, I'm not advising anyone to play this game and I take no responsibility for what you choose to do, I am merely providing this as entertainment.

      This is The Midnight Game. The Midnight Game is an old Pagan ritual. It was used to punish those who went against the Pagan ways or dishonoured the Gods. It was believed that this ritual was made to scare children into behaving. I'll let you decide for yourself.

      Here's what you'll need: A bit of paper, a needle, a candle, a lighter, salt, and a wooden door. It works best if the door is one that can be used to enter and exit your house. On the night you intend to play the game write your full name on the paper and prick yourself with the needle. Place a few drops of blood onto the paper. Place the paper under the candle, in front of the wooden door and light the candle at exactly 12 a.m. all of the lights in your house must be off. When the clock strikes 12 knock on the wooden door 22 times. Your 22nd knock must be before 12:01. Open the door, blow out the candle, and close the door. You've just invited The Midnight Man into your house.

     You must relight your candle and walk around your house to avoid The Midnight Man. You must protect your candle and not let it go out because it is all that protects you from him. If your candle begins flickering, The Midnight Man is close to you. If he gets close enough, he'll blow it out. If your candle goes out then you have to immediately relight it or create a ring of salt. If you cannot relight your candle and are successful in making a ring of salt you must now remain in the ring until 3:33 a.m. when The Midnight Man leaves. If you are able to relight it then the game continues. The game is won if you are able to avoid him until 3:33 without having to create a ring of salt.

      If you are unable to relight your candle and you are also unsuccessful in creating a salt ring then The Midnight Man will torture you with your worst fears until 3:33 a.m.

      Be warned, people who have played this game have experienced a feeling of dread throughout it. Those who have lost the game have never been the same, some have been driven mad and others have been scared to death.

      A last piece of advice, do not taunt or insult The Midnight Man in any way. Those who are foolish enough to do this will invoke the wrath of The Midnight Man and he will curse you.

      I hope everyone enjoyed this. If you've ever played this game or something similar to it feel free to leave a comment telling your experiences. If you like stories like this, let me know and I'll make sure to put more up.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                   Aehd Krahe

Friday, May 30, 2014

      What is up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I am telling you guys about a manga project of mine called The Darkened. The Darkened is going to be a one-shot horror manga. For those of you who don't know a "one-shot" is a manga that tells all the story that it needs to in one volume that's usually between 60 and 90 pages. Although this story will be a stand alone if it is well received and my fans want it to become a series then I can always make it into one.

      The Darkened will be a story following a team of international ghost hunters who visit the most haunted places in the world. In this story they will be focusing on a haunted academy building in Japan. The team consists of: a clairvoyant, a priest, a demonologist, and the teams technical specialist. They'll be accompanied by a guide who has been employed by the team to show them around and help them understand the differences in culture. There will also be more characters who will be helping and hindering the team throughout their stay.

      Pictures and bios for the characters will be released at various times. Once the initial one-shot is completed it will be uploaded here to be viewed by you guys.

      If you'd like follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Leave comments or message me on either of those to get you're question in a weekly Q&A. The first will be next Friday if I get enough questions from you guys. If you do ask a question but you want to remain anonymous make sure you include that with your question.

     As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                               Aehd Krahe

Thursday, May 29, 2014

      What's up guys? I am Aehd Krahe. I'm an artist and manga is one of my favourite things. I love reading it and I'm also working on creating it. My primary purpose for creating this blog is to promote not just my art and manga but also to promote the art of others. Getting a start and getting recognized as an artist can be difficult so I want to help aspiring artists in any way that I can. 
      I'll have news and updates about my personal projects up regularly and if you guys want to see it, then I'll post my shorter projects on here. They'll be entirely free so anyone who visits my blog will be able to see them in their entirety. I'll either post whole volumes or chapter by chapter, based on what you guys prefer.

      Feel free to leave comments. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter. Aehd Krahe and @AehdTheArtist respectively. (Profile picture is the same for all of them) Anyone who wants to be promoted only needs to ask. Ask any other questions and if you guys are into it then I might do a weekly Q&A.

      Thanks for reading,
                                 Aehd Krahe