Sunday, June 8, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I want to talk about you guys, my fans. A lot of people try to do blogging and it's definitely more difficult than it seems to get a fan base going. Some people give up because they've been blogging for a few weeks and they only get a few views on their page, nobody subscribes, and they get no comments. They feel that it's not worth their time and they probably heard that blogging is an easy way to make money. I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is to get money because I haven't signed up for the whole ad thing google does with this site. I'd be willing to wager that they won't be paying out to someone who only gets a few page views a day, it just wouldn't be worth it from a business stand point.

      I personally don't give any amount of a shit about money. I recognize that it's necessary for the world we live in but I still hate it. I'm unsure if I would ever sign up for the whole ad thing just because I didn't create this blog for money. This blog exist for the sole purpose of interacting with my fans. I don't care how many page views I get a day. If there's just one guy or girl reading my posts everyday and they want to know my opinion on homemade dessert sushi then I'd write a three paragraph essay on how fucking amazing it is to make sushi with rice crispy treats, fruit rollups/fruit by the foot whatever you're into, and swedish fish. Then I'll tell you how to make dessert chopsticks to eat it with. Why? Partially because I'm a little insane but also because it's what my fans want and when it comes to this blog I will talk about anything my fans want me to.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                         Aehd Krahe

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