Monday, June 2, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. I'm sure you guys have noticed by now that this blog doesn't really have any set topic. I really just pick random topics based on how I feel at the moment. That being said, I'd like to get some feedback from you guys, the readers. I'm sure there are topics you guys are wondering about, or things you'd just like to see someone address. I'm able to be quite objective so if you ask for my opinion on something, you'll get my opinion but also a counter to my opinion and the opinions of other artist, writers, etc. that I know. So get you're idea talked about. Tweet me @aehdtheartist with the #blogtopic, send me a message on Facebook, or even comment on this post. Any topic regardless of how trivial will be covered. As with everything else if you wish to remain anonymous just say so. You can direct message me on twitter to remain anonymous as well.

      Now on to the real topic as suggested by one of my friends just to show you how trivial the topics can be. They asked for me to explain my thoughts on Mountain Dew. Nope I'm not kidding, and no Mountain Dew or Pepsi Co. aren't paying me to blog about Mountain Dew, that'd just be silly.

      First, I just want to say that I like the abbreviation to Mtn Dew. It looks badass in my opinion. I think my favourite of Mtn Dew that's come out so far is probably the game fuel. It first got introduced with Halo 3 and then they brought it back with other Triple A title releases with some other variants. Other than that I don't particularly favour one over another. A lot of people were psyched that the baja blast was finally coming to cans and bottles. I'm fairly indifferent to that one, I don't like it that much. The only reason I drink it is to try to win points to get a long board from some app. Also the changed the bottle with the release of baja blast and I think it looks dumb as well as lessening the amount of actual soda in the bottle. One of my new favourites is what seems to be another Taco Bell exclusive. It's called sangrita blast or something like that. It's either fruit punch or black cherry so I love it because I love almost anything that tastes like fruit punch. Except the fruit punch oreos. That seems like a dumb idea too but I'll get into that at a different time.

      For now, that's all I have to say about Mtn Dew. I wasn't paid by any company to put any of this stuff up here, they're my personal opinions. Tell me what you guys think about Mtn Dew.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                  Aehd Krahe

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