Saturday, May 31, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I have a little something special. This is a game that has been labeled as a creepy pasta but is actually something that may be real and for the brave who seek a good challenge it could be a once in a lifetime story for your friends. So it is clear, I'm not advising anyone to play this game and I take no responsibility for what you choose to do, I am merely providing this as entertainment.

      This is The Midnight Game. The Midnight Game is an old Pagan ritual. It was used to punish those who went against the Pagan ways or dishonoured the Gods. It was believed that this ritual was made to scare children into behaving. I'll let you decide for yourself.

      Here's what you'll need: A bit of paper, a needle, a candle, a lighter, salt, and a wooden door. It works best if the door is one that can be used to enter and exit your house. On the night you intend to play the game write your full name on the paper and prick yourself with the needle. Place a few drops of blood onto the paper. Place the paper under the candle, in front of the wooden door and light the candle at exactly 12 a.m. all of the lights in your house must be off. When the clock strikes 12 knock on the wooden door 22 times. Your 22nd knock must be before 12:01. Open the door, blow out the candle, and close the door. You've just invited The Midnight Man into your house.

     You must relight your candle and walk around your house to avoid The Midnight Man. You must protect your candle and not let it go out because it is all that protects you from him. If your candle begins flickering, The Midnight Man is close to you. If he gets close enough, he'll blow it out. If your candle goes out then you have to immediately relight it or create a ring of salt. If you cannot relight your candle and are successful in making a ring of salt you must now remain in the ring until 3:33 a.m. when The Midnight Man leaves. If you are able to relight it then the game continues. The game is won if you are able to avoid him until 3:33 without having to create a ring of salt.

      If you are unable to relight your candle and you are also unsuccessful in creating a salt ring then The Midnight Man will torture you with your worst fears until 3:33 a.m.

      Be warned, people who have played this game have experienced a feeling of dread throughout it. Those who have lost the game have never been the same, some have been driven mad and others have been scared to death.

      A last piece of advice, do not taunt or insult The Midnight Man in any way. Those who are foolish enough to do this will invoke the wrath of The Midnight Man and he will curse you.

      I hope everyone enjoyed this. If you've ever played this game or something similar to it feel free to leave a comment telling your experiences. If you like stories like this, let me know and I'll make sure to put more up.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                   Aehd Krahe

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