Thursday, June 5, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I just have a bit of news about the story I'll be uploading tomorrow. It'll be a personal take on The Holders. Fans of creepypastas have most likely heard of The Holders already. For everyone else The Holders are these mystical objects that generally grant the Seeker that found them some sort of awesome ability but the Seeker must go through a trial that is usually quite horrific and almost guarantees a terrible death for anyone who fails. Some of the Seekers wish to unite all 538 of the objects while some wish to possess them for personal gain or to keep them divided but all agree that the Seekers are forever changed by their quest. Nobody truly knows what happens if they're all united but most of the Seekers that gather The Holders to keep them divided believe that it will bring about the end of the world or some other horrible fate.

      If you want to read all the existing stories so far in the original series then you can go to this website

      The stories are really interesting and creative so I recommend checking them out. There are 252 stories total on the site, I assume there will eventually be 538. They're short stories for the most part, they take maybe five minutes to read, maybe a little longer depending on you're reading speed.
      The story that I'll be uploading tomorrow isn't the same as this set. It's going to be a more personal story with a protagonist rather than an instructional which is what most of those in The Holders series annotated above are. It'll be entirely a creation of my own that isn't necessarily cannon to the rest of the series. If there is one single person or a group who are creating all of The Holders series I don't mean to intrude onto their thing and if they want to make it cannon, that's certainly their right as long as they give me recognition for the creation of it, they can have it as far as I'm concerned. My story will be about The Holder of the Warden. If you look on that site above you'll notice that's not one that's on there, because I created it hence, not cannon.

      So come back tomorrow for a story, do all the social network things you want to do. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. If you can't find me on there just comment or personal message me on any of the others and you can just add me on google plus with the tool off to the right there.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                    Aehd Krahe

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