Sunday, June 1, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I'd like to talk about what inspired me to make art and comics in particular. At around age 13 I moved to the United States. I didn't really fit in with the other kids at the schools I attended. One day I met someone at a local skate park and we started talking about the things that we liked. I mentioned that one of my favourite films was Star Wars and that my dad and I used to watch the original trilogy on VHS and that those were some of my fondest memories. He asked who my favourite superhero was. I wasn't really sure, I had heard of some of the major ones but never read any comics. I had always preferred books like Lord of the Rings and even Harry Potter. This dude that I had met only about an hour earlier gave me my first comic. One from a series of The Amazing Spiderman.

      That started a whole new part of my life. From there I got into Batman and then further into the incredible universe that these writers and artist had created. I started taking art classes in school because it was required but I discovered that not only was I good at it but also that I really enjoyed drawing and doing things to entertain people the way that I was by the comics. A few years had gone by and at 17 I enlisted in the Air Force here in the US. I waited for a little over a year and less than a month after my 18th birthday I was down in San Antonio, Texas at basic training. I loved the military, for the longest time all I wanted to do was to serve and fight like the heroes I had idolized in my youth. I ended up getting injured, my knee was permanently damaged and I was sent to a different base to help the transition back to the civilian world. This place was so depressing for some that you could almost feel it in the air. All the regret, sadness, and hurt made the air heavy. So many people felt betrayed by the Air Force and the atmosphere got to everyone. After a month of so living in this place I met a man who although I've only known him for a short while, he's one of my best friends. He's a brother. One day he invited me to watch an anime series with him and another. That was the start of it all. That series changed my life, anime made life seem worth living again.

      One day one of my friends made a comment on how awesome it would be for us to make our own anime series. We laughed at the prospect of it but it got me thinking. What if we did? So I checked on how anime are made and discovered that most come from manga, comics. Not American this time but Japanese. I studied endlessly, developed my own style. It became my mission to create a great work, and to help others do it too. I wanted to inspire people the same way I had been inspired and I refuse to stop until that mission has been completed. I will do it, and I will help others.

      So that's what inspired me to take up the pen and create manga. If any of you are artist or craftsmen then what inspired you?

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      As always stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                               Aehd Krahe

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