Monday, June 9, 2014

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today I'm going to mention the sort of a schedule thing that'll I'll be doing from now on and then some really brief life advice.

      As for the schedule, from now until I have to change up the schedule for work or something Tuesdays and Fridays will be days that I do the scary or suspenseful stories. So ghost stories, urban legends, creepypastas, and some of my own creations will be on those days. All the other days of the week I currently have nothing special scheduled for so those will be the days of random thoughts and subjects that could cover really anything. I may have to change things up at some point in the future and if I do then I'll make sure that I post the change. If you want to suggest a day event type of thing, you can do so on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. I'll give you credit for the suggested event or story. I check all the of my social networking sites daily but I don't post as much on Twitter mostly because I have no idea what to put on there, also because my only follower seems like a stoner (no offense to stoners) and he just retweets things that I don't understand.

      On to the next subject of business for today, a little piece of life advise. I can honestly say that if everyone followed this life would be infinitely better for everyone, and it's incredibly simple. So much so that I'm going to bold and italicize it so nobody misses it. Don't be a fucking cunt. It's literally that simple. If someone does something you don't like, don't talk to them or just ignore it. If someone believes something that you don't agree with, this one happens a lot with religion and politics, then instead of telling them that they're wrong how about you just respect that they can have an opinion that has nothing to do with you.

      I'm tired of reading articles or seeing something on the news about how some kid, or teenager, and even sometimes college students are committing suicide because they're being bullied. Every time this happens we as a society have failed. Whatever your thought on bullying are, whether there should be laws against it or not, you can't deny that it's causing deaths. Personally I think bullying could be beaten by punching that little shit in the face but I'm different than most people. At what point do we as people realize that it's not okay to criticize someone for being different. I have tremendous amounts of respect for teens in high school that are openly LGBT. The shit they must go through on a daily basis from people who are insecure about some aspect of themselves. How does someone's sexual orientation somehow change who they are as a person and people using a religion as a shield for why they get to cut someone else down are the worst kinds of people. That's all I'll say for now so nobody gets alienated.

      Remember to do all the social media things, comment, subscribe, share to Facebook and Twitter. Whatever you want.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                   Aehd Krahe

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