Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Playing Hide and Seek Alone

      What's up guys, I am Aehd Krahe. Today, as the title suggests, I'll be teaching you how to play hide and seek but it's not really alone. You'll be playing with a ghost that you summon.

      Here's what you'll need: A stuffed doll that has limbs (a humanoid dolls is recommended), rice (enough to fill the doll), one needle, red thread, a sharp object (pencils are recommended but if you're hardcore try a knife), a glass of saltwater, a bathroom with a bathtub or large wash basin, a hiding place, and a TV. 

      To prepare you have to remove the stuffing from the doll and replace it with rice. This is because spirits will feed on the rice and gain power. Prick your finger and bleed into the doll so the doll knows who to target. Note that you could also use fingernails or hair as long as it's from your body but blood magick is one of the strongest forms of magick thus yielding better results. Sew the doll back together with the red thread, also wrap the thread around the doll several times pinning one of its arms to its torso. (you must bind the doll with the thread so the spirit can't escape once inside. The spirit will be attached to the doll after the ritual so when you're game is over you have to burn the doll). Give your doll a name (anything but your own), tell the doll it's name, place the glass of saltwater in your hiding place, turn the TV onto static. I highly recommend that you are the only person in your house while you're playing this. If anyone else is in the house, the MUST sit within a ring of salt and not in your hiding place. Whenever you speak to the doll you must speak in an authoritative tone

      At 3:00 a.m. say "(your name) is it." three times. Take the doll into the bathroom and place it in the bathtub or basin. Turn off all the lights and make sure the TV is turned to static. After counting to 10 with your eyes closed return to the bathroom with your sharp object. Say "I've found you (doll's name)" 3 times and then stab it with the object. Take the doll out of the bathtub or basin, place the object at it's feet, and say "now you're it (doll's name)". Hurry and return to your hiding spot, close the door to you're spot, hold half the glass of saltwater (or as much as will fit) in your mouth. You can't swallow it or spit it out. The saltwater will protect you from attachment or possession depending on the type of entity you've summoned (it's entirely random, good luck). You must sit in complete silence. If there are observers, their salt ring should be out of the way of you're hiding spot but they should still be able to see it. The observers must be completely silent regardless of what they see. 

      I recommend that you end the game before 4:00 a.m. this is because over time the entity will grow strength and after being in the doll for an hour it will be able to cause you extreme harm if it finds you. Also it may become powerful enough to escape the bonds of the doll and then become attached to your house. To end the game you have to leave your hiding spot, find the doll (it may not be in the bathroom), spit the saltwater in your mouth on it, dump the rest of the saltwater onto the doll, and yell "I win" 3 times.

      The game will not end unless you end it or the entity kills you. After the game is over dry and burn the doll to banish the spirit then cleanse your house by burning incense or sage just to be safe. 

      Warning: I Aehd Krahe take no responsibility for anything you do with the knowledge I've given you. DO NOT place blood, hair, fingernails, etc. from anyone else in the doll. DO NOT leave you're house while the game is still going on, the spirit will follow. People who have played this game have experience a feeling of terror and dread. If the doll finds you, you will be hurt in some way. Remember it's not the doll searching for you but the entity attached to it. Spirits aren't anything to mess with unless you know what you're doing. There is no guarantee that a ghost will attach to the doll. It could be a ghost, spirit, specter, or daemon (demon to Christians). You've been warned, have fun.

      I hope you enjoyed this, share with your friends, subscribe for more, and comment or do social network things to suggest what you'd like to do next.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                      Aehd Krahe 

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