Friday, June 13, 2014

The Slit Mouth Woman

      In Japan, there once was a woman who was married but who was growing tired of her marriage to her impotent husband. One night she has an affair with another man and when she returns home her husband asks her where she's been. She told him all about the affair in vivid detail, taunting him with her adultery. Her husband gets very angry, he grabs a pair of scissors and mutilates his wife. He stands over her, looking at his once so beautiful wife. She was bleeding out, her mouth cut from ear to ear. She was taking her lasts breaths and just before she passed on her husband said "Who will find you beautiful now?"

      Now she roams Japan as a vengeful spirit. Dressed in a trench coat and surgical mask she hunts children. If she sees a child standing or walking home alone, she will approach them and ask "Am I beautiful?". If the child responds "no" she produces scissors from the trench coat and cuts the child's throat. The children, not wanting to offend their elder, will reply "Yes.". When she receives the answer "yes" she removes the surgical mask, revealing her mutilated face. She asks "Am I still beautiful?". If the child responds "no" she kills them. If the child answers "yes" then she draws the scissors and mutilates their face in the same manner as her husband did her's. The only way to escape is to say "You are so-so." this confuses the spirit and gives you the chance to run away while she's deep in thought. Another way is that when she initially asks if she's beautiful and you respond saying you're in a relationship. She will excuse her manners and leave. 

      Some of you may think this is just a story and maybe it is, but here's a few fun facts. Alleged sighting of the woman in 1979 caused so much panic that children weren't allowed to walk home alone, they'd be escorted by teachers or parents. In 2004 there were sightings of a woman in a red mask chasing children and most shockingly of all. In 2007 old records were found that dated back to the late 1970's. They gave the details of a woman who was struck by a car and killed. She was chasing young children just before the accident and upon examination it was discovered that the woman's mouth was cut ear to ear. 

      So is it just a story, or is there some truth to it. Tell me what you think. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Send me your suggestions on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr and you might see your story here next week.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                                Aehd Krahe

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