Friday, June 6, 2014

Holder of the Warden

      I stood staring at the sign that read St. Peter's Mental Heath Hospital. I took a cigarette out of the pack and put the pack back into my pocket, then with the same hand withdrew my lucky green zippo lighter with a gold four leaf clover etched in the bottom right corner. I flicked it open and lit the cigarette. I took a long drag and tried to steel myself. This was the second time in only a few months that I stood in front of some random loony hospital. I'll probably end up in one of these soon enough. I thought to myself. I think that if I knew what I know now when that entitled rich asshole made me his deal I'd have told him to fuck off. At the time three hundred thousand dollars for each "artifact" I recovered seemed like a great deal. I thought it'd be easy, he obviously came to a man like me because he needed a thief. Someone creative who craves a challenge and doesn't fear getting caught. I was wrong however, what he needed was a Seeker. If I knew the horrors that I would face I'd have declined, or at least asked for more money. I don't know what drives me now. I could easily back out of the deal but I'll find as many as I can, provided I stay sane. Simple curiosity must be what it is, I want to know what happens if this man is able to unite all of these relics.

      I dropped the butt of the cigarette and extinguished it under my boot. I instinctively touched the pentacle pendant around my neck and made my way inside. I approached the receptionist's desk and waited for the young woman behind it to notice me. She looked up from he computer monitor.

      "Can I help you?" She asked kindly, smiling as she waited for my answer.

      "Yes, I'm here to see someone who calls themselves The Holder of the Warden." The smile faded from her face. It was replaced with an expression that you only see on battle hardened warriors. She stood and motioned for me to follow her. I complied but had to almost run to catch up to the woman. She walked with a brisk pace as if she was late for a meeting but didn't want to run through the halls. She lead me down a long corridor and to an old wooden door. She opened it and motioned for me to enter. She still has that intense expression on her face and it was a little unsettling. I entered the room that was pitch black inside. The light from the hallway was absorbed by the inky blackness of the room so only a foot or so was visible. The woman slammed the door behind me and the dark of the room engulfed me. I pulled my lighter from my pocket and lit it. I could see a torch sconce just on the edge of that inky dark. I lit the torch and pulled it from the sconce, returning the lighter to my pocket I could now see a cobblestone path on the floor. I began following it, some time passed and I'm not even sure how much. I couldn't see anything that was any farther than the torch illuminated and the flickering flames cast strange shadows on the path and played tricks with my eyes. 

      That's when I heard them, disembodied voices whispering in the dark. I knew this to be a trial of some sort and so I pushed on. The voices got louder and I could almost make out what they were saying but I still continued. I saw something scurry on the edge of the torch light and I stopped. The voices again grew louder, they were repeating the same two phrases like a mantra.

      "You will falter, you will fail." again and again "you will falter, you will fail." The voices continued. I began walking again but the voices never stopped. The light from my torch began to fade and the things in the dark were getting closer. I started walking faster but the dark was eating away at the light. I could feel the shadows caress me and the light was so dim it was about to be extinguished. 
      They're feeding on my fear, if this torch goes out I will almost certainly face a horrible death. I thought to myself. 
      "Enough!" I shouted "I'm not afraid of you!" I yelled into the darkness. The voices stopped their assault and braziers on either side of the path came to life. Igniting as if by the will of the Gods. The room was permeated with the scent of burning wood. The braziers cut through the darkness revealing a church off in the distance and small open tower near to it. 

      I jogged the last thirty feet or so, not wanting to give the creatures in the dark another chance to strike fear in me. A gut feeling told me to take the path off to the left that lead to the small tower. I did and reached the tower with ease. It was lit only by a few strategically placed candles. Each wooden stair creaked and groaned as I made my way up the four levels of the tower. I have to admit that it added an extra creepy vibe to the who ambiance of this darkened world. I reached the open top and first noticed the roofing held up by a few well placed supports as if to protect the tower from the weather. Then I noticed the man, wearing a hooded cloak. He was sitting on a lone wooden chair and the only other furniture was a small table where a single candle and book were resting. The man was watching the church, slowly smoking from a long pipe. I stood in silence, observing the man. After some time he set the pipe down on the table and stood. I couldn't see any of his features until he turned. He looked withered and tired. Wisps of silver hair fell from the hood but his beard was mostly brown. It was as if his job was extremely stressful and had prematurely aged him.

      "You will falter in your convictions, and you will fail the people you wish to protect." He stated, sounding just as tired as he looked

       A young girl appeared between us. She smiled at me and I thought it couldn't possibly be who I thought it was but she was so familiar, there's no way it wasn't her. My little sister, she couldn't be here. She had died years ago from her leukemia. 

      "You failed to save your sister before, you will fail again." He drew the sword from his belt and made his way toward her.

      "No!" I cried out and stepped in front of her, taking the blow of the sword on my collar bone. Pain shot through my body, I collapsed and my vision began to fade. So this is what dying is like. It's not so bad. I thought. The man knelt and touched my forehead. My vision was restored and the throbbing pain ceased. He took my arm and helped me stand. He walked over to the edge of the tower.

      "It's yours now." He indicated to the pipe sitting on the table. "Don't allow them to be united." He winked at me before continuing. "I am free." He spread his arms wide and leaned back falling from the tower. 

      I turned to the apparition of my little sister. "I'm so sorry Kat. I couldn't save you." She reached up and took my hand. 

      "It's alright, you did your best. I'm waiting for you but don't come to soon, okay?" She said cheerfully. I nodded and she disappeared. I wiped the tears from my eyes and approached the table. When I picked up the pipe I could hear the air whistling around me. I blinked and I was back at the receptionist's desk.

       I walked out of the hospital and to my car. Grabbing a backpack off the back seat I hastily unzipped it and shoved the pipe in. My hands were shaking and I was about to get in my car but I stopped. I returned to the steps of the hospital. The wind blew, stirring the fallen leaves on the ground.

      "Bring me the Bride of the Seeker." I announced to the wind. Turning I could see that familiar home. With the woman in white waiting at the window. She wiped her eyes and smiled. She will share my sorrow with me until I am lost to documentation. For now she is my bride. I am Azrael, and I am the Seeker of Holders.


      I hope you guys enjoyed this story. If you did share with your friends and if you want me to do more just comment or send me a message on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr with the suggestion of which Holder I should do next.

      As always, stay awesome and thanks for reading
                                                               Aehd Krahe

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