Friday, August 29, 2014


      There are rumours of a shady organization that exists in the world, The SCP Foundation has some games and other stories about them. One question that continually comes up is, could they be real? Most people would reply that of course they're fake, of course the monsters aren't real. But can they be sure, can any of us truly be sure of what is real? The Foundation works with numerous governments around the world and their mission is to protect people from paranormal creatures and also do scientific tests on those creatures for the betterment of humanity. However one of their goals is to remain in the shadows.

       If they are real, they don't want people to know about them. If they're a well known organization people will expect them to act ethically which may be impossible with the kinds of creatures they encounter, everything from a figure made of smoke to a horrifically disfigured mannequin that breaks the necks of victims when they look away from it. There is supposedly a website attributed to the organization. certainly seems real enough. Although if you click any of the links a new page appears that simply states SERVER ERROR 404: FILE NOT FOUND. This is of course suspicious because if it were really that secretive then why have the website in the first place. They also could have attached a simple file in the coding of the site that would ask the bots sent from search engines to not include the site on it's roster. Had that been done and it wasn't logged then the only people who could find it were the ones who knew the IP for the site. To that point, if I were running an incredibly secret organization and had this information then I would make a simple website with the organization's name and brief, vague description so any one who found out about the organization and told others as is the case in the internet stories, the story wouldn't seem real because of the bare-bones website.

      So is the SCP Foundation or a similar organization real? If they are real, would we even want to know about what really goes bump in the night? Let me know what you think in the comments or on twitter.

      This post is made entirely for entertainment purposes. The SCP Foundation, is to my knowledge entirely fictitious. However should I stop posting assume I've been taken into custody and spread the word. Also the distress phrase is "unicorn farting a majestic rainbow" ex. Slenderman certainly is a creepy unicorn farting a majestic rainbow. Use only in case of emergencies, I'm super cereal.

Thanks for reading,
            Aehd Krahe    

Friday, August 22, 2014


      This is a game that I would actually try myself if I get the chance. The Elevator Game is a very specific ritualistic kind of game. The game is rumoured to open a portal to another dimension. This dimension is said to be an ethereal black and white hallway with no people, except yourself, and a green cross suspended in midair at the far end of the hall. No matter how far or fast you walk, you never seem to get any closer to the cross. The cross is thought to be nothing more than the carrot attached to a stick. Luring players further from their starting point making it harder to return to the human world resulting in the player getting stuck. There is a limited amount of time a player can stay in the ethereal realm. If you stay too long the gateway back will close and you'll be trapped forever. There are said to be voices the player can hear in the realm, they seem to get louder and closer the longer you stay in the realm. There is a story that can be found that states the LAPD may have had an encounter with The Elevator Game. There is a video of a woman who can be seen acting strangely in an elevator, going to multiple floors. She acts increasingly more paranoid and erratic until she disappears. The woman was apparently declared missing and found some time later in a water reservoir on the roof of the hotel. If this is true then it is worth of note that it is very difficult to get onto the roof of a hotel and pretty much impossible to get into the water reservoirs unless you cut the metal with some sort of welding torch. The reservoir the woman was allegedly in was perfectly intact. The only reason she was found is because her decomposing body got into the water supply and guests began complaining the water in the rooms appeared to be black or another very dark colour. Of course the media doesn't always get things correct.

      Get into an elevator, you must be alone. Then go to the floors in the following order (don't hit all the buttons at once, instead hit one then upon arriving at that floor hit the next. It may be helpful to write the numbers on your hand) 4th floor- 2nd floor- 6th floor- 2nd floor- 10th floor. If anyone else gets in with you it won't work so you'll have to wait for them to get off and start over.
Then when you arrive at the 10th floor press the button for the 5th floor
When you arrive at the 5th floor a woman will get in the elevator. You mustn't speak to her.
After she gets in press the 1st floor button
After pressing the button the elevator will move up instead of down. It'll begin taking you to the 10th floor. Pressing any other buttons will cause the ritual to fail so this is the last chance to opt out before seeing if it actually works.
If you pass the 9th floor you can assume the ritual has been completed correctly and will work
The only way to know for sure if the ritual has worked is when you get to the 10th floor and exit the elevator. You should be completely alone.

      If anybody has any experience with this or any other ritual I would like to know. That person's experience will get a post all of their own if they want.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Monday, August 18, 2014

      What's up everyone. Today I'm going to be answering a few questions that I've gotten lately. Hopefully it'll clear things up with the stories and guides I post on Fridays.

  • "Have you ever summoned a ghost, spirit, entity, etc.?"                                                            No I have not personally summoned anything. If I lived alone I would consider it just to test out some of the stories personally.
  • "What is magick?"                                                                                                                Magick in very simple terms is just the manipulation of your will to change the world around you.
  • "How do you know about magick?"                                                                                       I know about magick because I'm Pagan. More specifically I practice Norse Wicca.
  • "So you're a witch?"                                                                                                             Yes, I am a witch. I practice witchcraft but I follow a specific pantheon of Gods. I'm a Norse Witch if you're looking for a specific title.
  • "Aren't witches women?"                                                                                                        The term witch is unisex, it can be used for males or females. It depends on what the person wants to be called.
  • "Since you're a witch, you worship Satan right?"                                                                      Nope, I don't worship Satan. I don't believe anything in common with the                judeo-christian faith.
      That clears up most of the questions that I tend to get. If you have any more questions you can send them to me on twitter @aehdtheartist or you can leave them in the comments.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Friday, August 15, 2014


      This is another summoning ritual for an entity. I urge extra caution with this particular ritual because you will be using blood magick, which is one of the most powerful forms of magick and thus can be dangerous to people without experience. I Aehd Krahe take no responsibility for any negative effects of the ritual I am about to describe. Conducting this ritual can be dangerous and may cause lasting damages to any participant or family member of a participant. As with all summoning rituals I urge you to be polite to the entity you summon. Those who disrespect The Raven Man are said to be cursed to live a horrible existence. You've been warned.

      The Raven Man is said to appear as a man with the head of a raven and large wings instead of arms. He is all black and has white eyes. Upon summoning The Raven Man it is possible that you might see him but it is more likely that you'll only feel his presence. You'll be able to make a request which he will grant. The Raven Man is not a patient entity so you should be prepared to ask him the question or favor as soon as he appears. He also doesn't like greedy people, asking for a large amount of money or fame will most likely be granted but there will be a terrible side effect. Do not ask The Raven Man for the meaning of life. You don't want to know that answer.


  • 5 candles (again, you won't want candles that go out quickly)
  • salt
  • a sharp knife or needle
  • a lighter or matches
  • a flashlight or cellphone (unless you see well in the dark)
      If you have a protective talisman or religious symbol it is advised that you keep it with you during the whole ritual and through the next night.

      It is best if you are home alone during the ritual. At night, go into a room that will be completely dark when the lights are out. Create a ring of salt large enough for you in a seated position. Make sure that none of your body crosses the salt lines while sitting still. Line the five candles in front of the salt ring. The candles should create a half circle and should be evenly spaced. Turn out the light and return to the salt ring. Sit inside the salt ring and check it to make sure that it hasn't been broken anywhere. Next you will say the ritual words and light one candle after each line leaving the fifth unlit for now. Light the candles going from left to right. The spell goes like this.

On this dark night (light candle)
I call on The Raven Man (light candle)
Appear before me here and now (light candle)
And do my will (light candle)

      Now you take your needle or knife and prick one of your fingers. Let a drop of your blood fall onto the wick of the fifth candle. Depending on how steady your aim is, you might need more than one drop.

The flame is my beacon
The blood is my sacrifice (light final candle)

      The Raven Man will now be with you. Make your request then thank him. Now you must extinguish the candles. You cannot blow them out, instead you have to snuff them out with your fingers or with a candle snuffer. Extinguish them from right to left (opposite of how you lit them). Before extinguishing each candle you must say I release you Raven Man. You should say this phrase 5 times, if you don't he won't leave and he'll probably kill you or at least curse you and your family. Once the ritual is over and all candles are out then sweep up the salt ring and scatter that salt at any entrance to your house. Keep your talisman or religious symbol with you always until the second morning after your ritual. If everything was done correctly you will be safe and your request will soon be granted.

      Once again I urge caution with this ritual, especially if the participant has little or no experience with witchcraft or magick practices in general.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

      What's up everyone. Today I'm going to do a bit of shameless self promotion. If you want custom art at a low price then come see my fiverr profile at You'll be able to order custom hand drawn pieces from me for as low as $5. If you'd need the piece in a hurry then I offer next day completion for only a slight markup in price but it is still cheap considering my pieces are custom digital art. Also since all my art is done digitally there's no need for physical shipping so there's no fee for that.

      Check in on Friday when a new horror story will be uploaded. Add me on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to see samples of my works.

       Thanks for reading,
                   Aehd Krahe

Friday, August 8, 2014


      There are two theories about how this particular game works. Both games require the same things and both are played more easily if there are multiple participants in the game. It is important that all players stay as calm as possible until the game is over


  • 100 long lasting candles (Birthday candles won't last for as long as you'll need them, I recommend tea candles. They're inexpensive and they generally burn for around five hours each.)
  • 100 different paranormal stories
  • A lighter or box of matches
  • A dark secluded room (It's very important that the room is as dark as possible and that nobody interrupts the game.)
  • At least one player (I recommend 1-5 players, more people means it's easier to come up with 100 stories without having too many people in the room. It may also help players from becoming to afraid to continue.)
  • Incense or a bundle of dried sage (For after the game.)

      Ensure that the room is as dark as possible, then light all 100 candles. Begin telling your stories. After each story the player who told it must extinguish a candle. In this theory of the game each story lends energy to a spirit then putting the candle out brings them into the room with you. After all 100 candles are extinguished, assuming the players were brave enough to finish, there will be 100 spirits in the room. Each player can ask the spirits a question and the spirits will answer. The players should be warned that spirits are capable of lying and causing harm to the players. Players should always be polite to the spirits. Once all the players have asked their question the player who is least scared must thank the spirits and ask them to leave. The speaker must be firm but polite and should show as little fear as possible. If the speaker appears weak the spirits can attach themselves to the house and even the players themselves.


      As in theory one the room must be dark and all 100 candles lit before the game is started. Players tell stories and extinguish candles. The only difference is that each story and candle gives energy to one, very powerful spirit. When all the candles are out only one spirit will manifest instead of 100. However, this spirit is much more powerful than the others so courtesy is key or you may end up with a poltergeist attached to the house or even worse, to you. Each player asks a question and the spirit answers. The single spirit is more likely to tell the truth or be more helpful in general than if 100 were manifested. Once all questions are answered a speaker thanks the spirit and firmly but politely asks it to leave.


      After the game is over and the spirits have left, light the incense or sage and walk around the room with it. Each corner and every part of the wall must be touched by smoke. Then the players must help each other also be coated with the smoke. This is a cleansing, some of the spirits may not have wanted to leave so they might have left behind small attachments. The cleansing purifies these and breaks the attachment. If the spirits became angry or felt disrespected during the game, then you must do a full house cleansing. If you have a Wiccan friend, they should be able to help.

      So does the simple act of telling a story and extinguishing a candle really give power and energy to spirits. As you sit with your friends telling stories are there shadowy spirits dancing just at the edge of your vision, or is it simply the flames playing a trick on your eyes? You'll just have to play and find out for yourself.

      If you play this game, tell me your experiences. If you've played this game before reading this post share your experiences as well.

     Thanks for reading everyone,
      Aehd Krahe

Thursday, August 7, 2014

      What's up everyone, a short announcement is all for today. For now I'll be uploading horror stories every Friday evening. As with all my schedules this one is subject to change but I'll only change it if it's absolutely necessary. For more updates, news, and other things follow me on twitter @AehdTheArtist.

      Thanks for reading,
                  Aehd Krahe